Kathmandu, Nepal

All told, before and after our trek, we spent a little more than a week in Kathmandu and Pokhara, which was just a little less than a week too long. We frequented the narrow, cobblestone streets of Thamel, taking in espressos, momos, and the occasional falafel. We toured the temples, the stupas, and paid our respects to the living child goddess called Kumari Devi, who is the reincarnation of the Hindu goddess Durga. Phineas and Eilir were intruiged by her story, chosen at age 4 to be taken from her family and live with the monks in a Newari courtyard house in Durbar Square, coming out to be worshipped and grant wishes only 13 times a year at festivals, only to be replaced upon first menstruation by the next chosen goddess. After a series of tests, and passing the 32 perfections, such as having thighs like a deer and a chest like a lion, the final test for the child candidate is to spend a night in a dark room with the severed heads of ritually sacrificed goats and buffaloes hanging above her without showing fear. When the kumari graced us with a brief appearance from her wood-latticed window, looking just as she does in the postcards for sale throughout the city complete with a painted third eye, Phineas and Eilir greeted her with hands gently pressed together, casting their wishes (Eilir’s to become a fairy and Phineas’ to become an ice dragon), before continuing to frolick about the courtyard absorbed in their imaginary games.
- Dawn from our 5th story walk-up in the Samsara hotel, Thamel, Kathmandu
- The eyes of Swayambhunath Temple
- Durbar Square
- Durbar Square
- Durbar Square
- Durbar Square
- Durbar Square
- Bodnath Stupa
- Bodnath Stupa, with pidgeons
- Meat and fruits. The kids loved the butcher shops with orange pig and goat’s heads. I was surprised at how well they took this.
- Yum, Pad Thai!
- Rooftop restaurants
- A large, poisonous looking spider wrapping gip his prey
- IP phone booths with luck and ambience
- Stocking up for our trip!
- Or2K restaurant, just one o many barefoot palaces with yummy middle eastern food
- Boating on Phewa Lake, Pokhara
- Boating on Phewa Tal (Lake), Pokhara
- What better to do than swing like monkeys at the temple?
- Varahi Mandir, a small island temple in the lake Phewa.
- Momos!
- Decorations for Diwali
- NIght time decorations for Diwali
- Batman and Supergirl hit Kathmandu!
- The eyes of Swayambhunath Temple